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제 3 호 Do You Have a Meal?

  • 작성일 2019-09-19
  • 좋아요 Like 4
  • 조회수 16649









Do You Have a Meal?




The Problem of Eating for 


College Students 






by Chae-eun SongCub Reporter






“Did you have a meal?” “Let’s have a meal!” You’ve heard this before, haven’t you? In Korea, we have a lot of clichés about meals. However, can you agree that this question is essential to college students these days? In our country, young people already have given up many things. Unfortunately, they even give up eating meals today.


According to the recent study about food evaluation index by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, overall, the index was low. However, the diet of people in their 20s and 30s was found to be the most. In the food evaluation index, people in their 20s scored 57.5 points, which was lowest. People in their 20s had the lowest rates of eating breakfast, eating grains and fruits, and saturated fatty acids, which are abundant in meat and dairy products. 










  So, why does this situation happen? Also, how can we solve this problem? 

   I conducted a survey with Sang myung University students to hear about their thinking. Fifty students answered my survey. Only 7% of respondents answered that they have a regular diet habit. In addition, 60% of them answered that they feel they are not getting enough nutrition. The most common reason for this situation is ‘causing from school timetable’, 66% of respondents answered that. Like this, we can face the problem through friends around us. 


Big problems with students

Also I asked the question to find out problems that students realized themselves. “What is the biggest problem of your eating habits?” Almost all students realized that they had a big problem with their eating habits themselves.

In addition, they have similar problems. To sum up, the opinion was that they eat just fast food or convenience food because of a lack of time. In serious cases, some of them do not eat anything during the daytime, which is causing binge eating at night.


Soultions from students

   Moreover, many students gave me an idea to solve this problem. Among them, I sorted out solutions that we can implement now.

   First of all, it is consider the time to eat when making your lecture schedule. Therefore, students can take a meal at a proper time. Then, the biggest culprit causing students' irregular eating habits could be solved.

Also, second, it is a solution sell breakfast in school to students for a cheap price. With a reasonable budget, restaurants in the school could offer fresh foods that can both have nutrition and time-efficient, such as salads and yogurt with nuts

Third, there is a solution that students can practice on their own. They know about their own nutritional problems, but very few students do direct work, such as packing their own lunches. If students pack healthy lunches for their own nutrition that they take care of themselves, it would probably be the quickest and easiest solution. 

Therefore, it would be nice to do activities that can raise awareness among students. Examples include picket activities, video clips of what could happen in the future if students continue to have unhealthy eating habits, and so on

The results show that students themselves are aware of their nutritional problems and are thinking about how to solve them.  

For the young people who already have so many burdens and who will lead the future, we must help them so that their meals do not become a burden at all. The way which helps young bloods to not give up their energy sources and health in modern times begins with a small fire of imagination and creation solutions. To sum up, when we have a proper attention and support, we can solve the problem.






Source: http://www.segye.com/newsView/20181230001484?OutUrl=naver