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제 6 호 A Chance to Know More about Myself

  • 작성일 2020-06-30
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 16864


A Chance to Know More about Myself

A Psychological Test Conducted by Our School

by Ju-eun Yeon/Editor


  Have you ever heard of MBTI psychological test? Interest for MBTI psychological test that is conducted for fun has increased so much. Do you know Sangmyung University also offers free access to many tests including MBTI psychological test? Let’s take various tests as well as psychological tests professionally at the Student Counseling Center!

The Image of Psychology 

Types and Methods of Applying for Psychological Tests Conducted by Sangmyung University

  A psychological test can be tested when you want to objectively evaluate your personality, interest, aptitude and psychological state. Psychological tests are being conducted by the Student Counselling Center. Since April, Sangmyung University students can conduct online psychological tests. The application method for online psychological test is as follows. After applying for a telephone or next-generation system psychological test, receive online code text and conduct a psychological test. After that, they choose between telephone counseling and face-to-face counseling to listen to interpretation counseling. The next-generation psychological test can be applied by logging in to the Sammul system: >integrated information->student basic->psychological examination->application for psychological examination->new regulations. Select the desired psychological test and day of the week. The time required depends on the type of psychological test. The psychological tests conducted by the Student Counseling Center are divided into four categories: personality test, career tests, learning tests and others. 

1) Personality Test

The Image of Personality Test 

  MBTI personality test is a counseling program that solves various difficulties experienced during university through various group counseling programs. It takes 30 minutes. The MMPI-2 test is a psychological test that can identify various emotional stress conditions such as depression, decreased motivation, anxiety, guilt, and suicidal impulse, and takes about 90 minutes. The TCI test is a psychological test that evaluates one’s innate temperament and environmentally-made personality and takes about 30 minutes.The K-IIP test is a comprehensive evaluation of various interpersonal problems experienced in everyday life and takes about 30 minutes. The enneagram test is a theory that categorized human personality and behavior types into nine categories. The CST test has a total of six virtues and is divided into 24 characteristics within the virtues. The PAI test is an objective personality assessment questionnaire produced by Morey in 1991 to measure emotional stress. 

2) Career Test

The Image of Career Test 

  Holland test is based on one’s ability, aptitude and personality, and takes about 30 minutes. The U&I test is a test that helps students explore their careers by understanding their maturity, interest and personality. The CTI test is a test that can detect and change negative career accidents that you have and turn them into positive career accidents, which takes about 30 minutes. The SLT test is a psychological test that helps efficient learning by checking self-regulation levels for learning and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of learning.

3) Learning Test

  The MLST is a test that measures habitual and strategic efficiency in the learning process. 

4) The Others

  Each of these tests takes 60 to 90 minutes. The K-WAIS-Ⅳ test is a psychological test that can measure both the linguistic and nonverbal aspects of intelligence to know cognitive skills and the personality of individual students. The TAT test is a psychological test that evaluates propensity by analyzing individual responses to ambiguous test stimuli. Rorschach is a projective personality test used for the purpose of diagnosing psychological conditions, such as students’ unconsciousness or emotions.

Recommended Psychological Test by Grade

  The content related to the psychological test recommended by each grade is an interview with Song Hyun-sim, a senior researcher at the Student Counseling Center. In the case of applying for a personal consultation, the counselor selects and conducts an examination necessary to identify and understand the patient’s condition during the consultation process. To help adapt to school life after admission, we recommend MBTI test, enneagram test, K-IIP test, TCI test to freshmen. These prosecutors can increase their understanding of their temperament and character, and the patterns of interpersonal relationships. If you understand that others can be different based on your understanding of yourself, you will be able to reduce the experience of misunderstanding or anxiety that can occur in interpersonal relationships.

  Some of the tests that can help manage academic performance in the lower grades recommend SLT test, MLST test, and U&I test. For senior students, we recommend career-related tests such as Holland’s aptitude test and the U&I test. Of course, it is recommended that you take personality tests in addition to career tests because the psychological aspects of the individual also affect your career path. 

  The Student Counseling Center conducts various tests, including psychological tests as well as individual and group tests. If you are a student attending our school, all the tests are free. It is a chance to get expensive tests for free, and we hope that our students do not miss this opportunity. 



Interview with Song Hyun-sim, a senior researcher at the Student Counseling Center.