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제 6 호 Are You Just Going to Save Money?

  • 작성일 2020-06-30
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 18656


Are You Just Going to Save Money?

National Finance Enterprise for Youth

by Ju-eun Yeon/Editor


  There is a national financial project for young people. The project is supported by the state and is being carried out for young people who have just begun to enter society. How much do you know about this project? Let’s take some time to see if there is a financial project you can apply for. 

The Image of Dollar

Terms of support for financial projects

  Since it is a state-supported financial project, special conditions are needed to apply for the product. it is the median income and age. We know what is median income? Median income is the income of 50 % of all households based on their income. This refers to the income of a household equivalent to 50 % of its total income. That is, the income of the middle-positioned households when they are lined up on an income-based basis.   

Types and contents of financial projects

  There are several national projects for young people, but his article describes the five national projects represented. Youth preferential savings bankbook, youth savings account, hope double youth bankbook, working youth bankbook, and speaking youth bankbook.

The Image of Saving  

1) Youth Preferential Savings Bankbook

  Youth preferential savings bankbook is subscription accounts giving interest rates of up to 3.3 percent for young people. Those aged 19 to 34 and earning less than 30 million won a year can apply for the program if they are homeless or if they are expected to be homeless within three years. 

2) Youth Savings Account

  The youth savings account is a product that will start anew in 2020, and if you save 100,000 won per month for three years, you can save a total of 14.4 million won by adding up the government’s subsidies. The target is young people between the ages of 15 and 39, or those with a median income of less than 50 percent. Youngpeople who work part-time jobs or temporary work can apply, so if you are a university student who works part-time jobs a lot, make sure to apply after meeting the conditions. It is impossible to overlap with tomorrow’s deduction for young people who work for small and medium-sized enterprises. To briefly explain tomorrow’s deduction, one can receive more than five times as much money as one’s savings to pave the way for future design. Based on the date of full-time employment, young people aged between 15 and 34 can apply if their wages are less than 3.5 million won per month. 

3) Hope Double Youth Bankbook

  It is a bankbook that makes twice as much. Not only can you double the principal, but you can also receive interest. Savings and duration can be selected, and savings are in units of 50,000 won, 100,000 won, and 150,000 won, and the period is two or three years. The target condition requires conditions, including local conditions. It must be a young person between 18 and 34 who lives in Seoul. Income should be less than 200 won. Finally, you must be currently working or have experience in office. 

4) The Working Youth Bankbook

  A working youth bankbook can be paid 10 million won if it saves 100,000 won per month for three years. The above-mentioned “hope double youth bank account” is centered in Seoul, while the working youth bank account is centered in Gyeonggi Province. For Gyeonggi Province,you can not only be a resident but also your place of work must be in Gyeonggi Province. Applicable if the median income is below 100 percent among working young people aged 18 to 24. 

5) Speaking Youth Bankbook

  Youth hope raising account targeted livelihood benefits recipients. If you save 100,000 won a month for three years, you can receive a total of 15 million won, including information subsidies. The target is young workers aged between 15 and 39 who are recipients of livelihood benefits

The problems of national financial projects

  So far, we have looked at national financial projects targeting young people. Here is a question. Were readers aware of the business? There will be readers who know, but there will be some who do not. Although the country is currently carrying out various project for young people, the promotional effect is very minimal. Therefore, various promotional policies should be implemented so that many young people who meet the conditions can know and apply. Moreover, there are many restrictions on projects currently being carried out in the country. Since it is a national project, it is inevitable that restrictions will follow, but young people who are in a difficult economic situation due to the condition of median income are shunned. The government should make more efforts to solve these problems. 

  Some of the financial projects may be suitable for Sangmyung University students who meet the conditions. In particular, Sangmyung University students who have moved their registration sites are more likely to meet the conditions. I hope you make a wise financial plan. 




